Categoria: Usa on the road

Usa on the road

Eating (real) Italian at Miami Beach

Along with Spaghetti alla Carbonara, those at Cacio e Pepe are my favorites.It does not take two weeks that I do not eat them at home or at the restaurant.For anyone who is even remotely cooking expert and he has already cooked, it is known that a good Cacio e Pepe can not be …
Usa on the road

Rapid City: the Presidents City

Today I tell you again something about United States. And I bring you to discover the beautiful  town of Rapid City, South Dakota. Rapid City is well known among American tourists, but much less among foreigners.  It is famous for being the busiest and active tourist center  in the area …
Usa on the road

Newport, RI : vita da ricchi

“Newport è una raffinata meta di villeggiatura estiva di  numerosi vacanzieri altolocati che occupano le sontuose dimore…” questo è quanto recita la guida a proposito di questa cittadina. Ochre Court – Costruita dal banchiere Ogden Goelet Se si pensa a Newport, ed ai film che in questa città sono stati …
Usa on the road

Ci facciamo una pizza…negli USA

Amo gli USA non solo per le città ed i paesaggi immensi, ma anche per il cibo. Il cibo statunitense è prettamente caratterizzato dalla carne, in tutte le sue forme e quando viene cucinata bene è davvero una delizia per il palato. Certo è che dopo parecchi giorni fuori casa …
Usa on the road

Wishing a Corvette…

We already told you that a couple of years ago we travelled to Kentucky to visit some friends and our dear friend Larry organized some exciting days to discover the nature and the manufacturing wonders in the area nearby where they live. After visiting Mammoth Cave and discovering Kentucky nature, we …
Usa on the road

A real Beer Pub in Pennsilvanya

Travelling from New York to Chicago by car we stopped here and there to rest. We didn’t have any timetable to respect, that’s always the way we travel around USA on the road, and we decided to stop whenever we were feeling tired. On the first day, after a long …
Usa on the road

Niagara Falls, from US to Canada

Versione Italiana On the 7th of July, after some days spent  in Chicago, we left the Wind City heading to Niagara Falls. We drove for about 7 hours, passing south Lake Michigan and through Detroit. We left in the morning from Illinois and we reached the Canada borders around 2 …
