Tag: English posts
I have been in Argentina, I have been in Buenos Aires. OK, let’s start by defining that Buenos Aires is not Argentina and Argentina is not just Buenos Aires. This said I can assure you that once you have visited Buenos Aires you will have an unbridled desire to visit …
Castles are my passion. It will be my Piedmontese origin, and therefore the Savoyard mood, or the simple charm that the castles arouse in all the girls who, before or after, dream of a princess fairy tale. The fact is that when Turismo Torino invited me to visit Moncalieri Castle …
“It’s time to roll again” … this thought was bringing me back to John Lennon’s “Watching the Wheels” when I was at low tide on Bray-Dunes beach, on the Channel on August 5th at dawn, ready to start with my mountain bike for the French Divide, 2,200 km of French …
Visiting Val di Cembra has been like discovering one of those places you like at first glance, just after the first bends of the street that fom Lavis, about 20 km north of Trento, rises up to Cembra. It surprises you with a landscape that you don’t expect: an uninterrupted …
Few years ago, in February, I had the opportunity to travel to Brazil. Opportunity grabbed during the harsh winter weather: few days before my departure the thermometer had dropped to -25 ° celsius and you can just imagine how happy I was to leave the cold behind. Traveling in winter …
While spending few days in Val Tidone and sleeping at Podere Casale, we had great time sightseeing historical places but we also enjoyed very much food and wine. Regarding wine, then, we had the opportunity of visiting some producers and discover the local wines: we were aware of some of …
I visited Matera the first time three years ago, as I spent the holidays on the Ionian coast of Basilicata. I didn’t realize, then, that the city was so close to Puglia; I have don it last year instead, when I reached Matera from Bari. Bari is in fact the …
Last year, invited to a tour in Val Tidone, in Piaccenza area, we had the opportunity oto sleep among the wineyards. We arrived at Podere Casale, Vicobarone of Ziano Piacentino, in Val Tidone, mid-morning and we immediately got struck by the beautiful building: stately and elegant, restored without detracting from …
Do you remember the movie from early 80ies with Sophie Marceau and Pierre Cosso called “The Party”? In Italy the title of the movie was “Il tempo delle mele” (Apples’ time) and as soon as I reached this Agritur in Samoclevo – Caldes, in the Non Valley in Trentino region …
“Travel brings back power and love to your life” Rumi The more I travel , the more I learn that there is so much more I need to learn. Each day my #BucketList grows and my daydreams included an unlimited bank account, unlimited flight tickets and a 200 page passport. …