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A place to stay in Val di Non : Agritur Tempo delle Mele

Do you remember the movie from early 80ies  with Sophie Marceau and Pierre Cosso called “The Party”?
In Italy the title of the movie was “Il tempo delle mele” (Apples’ time) and as soon as I reached this Agritur in Samoclevo – Caldes, in the Non Valley in Trentino region I started thinking to that super famouns song: Reality.
Well, this was just a young age memory; here the apples have a real connection with territory and people: Val di Non is one of the larger producer of apple in Italy and Agritur Tempo delle Mele,  a welcoming family-run farm where you can stay both in summer and during the winter ones, literally lies among apple trees.
The rooms are all furnished with simple elegance and the materials used make the tourist feel in harmony with the surrounding environment.
Each of the room is  not only identified by the number but also by a specific name.
On the second floor there are those devoted to the seasons, while the third floor rooms have names that evoke myths and legends.

The food that can be enjoyed in the charming restaurant directly overlooking the garden evoke the local traditions and allow you to discover original combinations that highlight the best flavor of each ingredient.
We were lucky enough to find ourselves in Val di Sole during the days of the Casolet (a local and well known cheese)  fair that took place in Male.
Thanks to this event, most of the dishes we enjoyed at Il tempo delle Mele had this cheese as the main ingredient.
One of the benefit of being guest at Agritur, is  the indoor spa that you cannot miss. Sauna, turkish bath and massage are the best way to relax and regenerate body and mind, with great views of the orchards, the apple trees surrounding the house and the Trentino mountains.


  1. sheepdontswim Ottobre 25, 2016
  2. Anju Ottobre 26, 2016
  3. Sriparna Susan Ottobre 27, 2016
  4. Sriparna Susan Ottobre 27, 2016
  5. Tom Ottobre 28, 2016
  6. A Busy Bees Life Ottobre 28, 2016
  7. Sarah Ottobre 29, 2016
  8. Editor-in-Style Good Ottobre 29, 2016
  9. The Tiny Book Ottobre 29, 2016
  10. Shane Prather Ottobre 30, 2016
  11. verushka Ottobre 30, 2016
  12. Carmy D Ottobre 30, 2016
  13. Komang Ayu Ottobre 31, 2016
  14. Ami Ottobre 31, 2016
  15. Suanlee Ottobre 31, 2016
  16. Indrani Novembre 1, 2016
  17. Joanna Davis Novembre 1, 2016
  18. Tae Novembre 2, 2016
  19. Blair Villanueva Novembre 2, 2016

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